In The Balance: A 15,000 km Voyage of the Seas of Europe


Amazon Storyteller finalist Jono Dunnett embarks upon the World’s Longest Windsurf.

SKU: 9780995778245 Category:


This “round Europe” sailing adventure begins deep within the Arctic Circle. Dunnett navigates through wilderness and carries his supplies in a watertight barrel. Many boundaries of the Seas of the Atlantic Ocean are crossed, and these provide structure to the narrative as the journey tacks towards Asia. What started as an expedition becomes a voyage, and two years later it has become an odyssey.

Gale force winds, tumultuous seas and fearsome currents test him and his craft to their limits. The reader comes aboard for this sometimes traumatic ride, but also experiences his elation upon reaching land, and the peak experiences of full immersion in nature.

At sea, Dunnett could not be more alone, but on land he finds the best of humanity.

Jono says: Without hesitation, I would say that In The Balance represents my life’s work. However, please note that it doesn’t include a potted autobiography, since this was provided in Long Standing Ambition. Readers who would appreciate such details may wish to start with LSA. That said, there’s no need to have read the first book to enjoy this one!


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